Save Time and Money with an Efficient and Modular System

Keeping control of the company up to date is a task that most managers find difficult, as several indicators are extremely important for the company.

VILESOFT provides a complete view of your business, showing the feasibility or otherwise of implementing new strategies, with greater data predictability.

 Having exact control of the financial health of your business, employees, facilities, and all expenses that involve your activity is essential for the success of the company! 

 Vilesoft modules allow you to have a smooth and organized routine in your company.

 All the features of DON Corporate together with a qualified team is the guarantee a successful company. Invest in smart management and boost your company’s results.

 What is the advantage of a modular system?

Gradually, your transport company will grow and the Vilesoft team will remain attentive to this growth, pointing out which new modules you should and/or need to acquire for the healthy and resilient growth of the transport company.

A TMS management software also covers all other areas of your transport company. That is commercial, operational, insurance, customer service, billing, finance, and logistics sectors. 

In addition to all this, when hired from a good management software company, such as Vilesoft, TMS integrates an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system. 

The name itself says it all: the management system is integrated. It is worth mentioning that such technology has the role of helping the board and management of the company, in this case, the transport company, to improve all internal and external processes.

Besides, the system integrates all the routines of all the different sectors of the company, be they sales, control of these sales (such as freight), finance, inventory, or even sectors responsible for human resources.          

In this way, all freight control, all issuance of a cargo manifest, fuel control,  among others, will occur naturally within the same system that will be available to your transport company at all times.          

As you can see, a good TMS system (Logistics TMS) aims to find and manage the control of all the costs of all the routine operations of a transport company.  

Reflecting now, you must probably be noticing that your company is not being fully supplied in all areas of the technological environment currently hired, it means that the time has come to seek a renewal or systems integration. 

For example, suppose there is a certain service channel in your company that is not working well, that does not direct calls where they should be redirected.  

Or, still, imagine that your transport company has a deficit when it comes to fuel control, freight control, issuance of tax documents, among many other areas that need to be monitored daily.  

If you can imagine a single flaw in the system you currently use, it’s because it’s high time you made an efficient integration of systems in your company.           

Thus, as your company, as in the example cited of a transport company, grows, it will naturally ask for systems integration. Again, there is no way to talk about systems integration and not come to mind the name Vilesoft 

Only at Vilesoft will you be able to combine practicality and efficiency with a development team dedicated solely to the integration of your company’s system.           

In short, the system integration your transport company needs is at Vilesoft! That’s because, only at Vilesoft, you can find practicality, agility, safety, and precision in all the day-to-day movements of a successful transport company for your transport company. 

Only at Vilesoft can you generate tickets, take care of freight monitoring, control fuel among countless other resources within a platform developed for the transport company that wants to grow with quality and commitment to its customers, in a fully integrated system with safety and practicality.          

In addition to all this, there is still a very important and crucial detail in this whole process: the cost of your transport company will be significantly reduced after the integration of TMS (Transport Management Software) from Vilesoft. 

How does the software work? 


We will briefly discuss how a company can have exponential growth in its operations using Vilesoft technology. Especially a transport company. 

So, just to exemplify, we will take a transport company as an example. Every transport company needs an efficient and practical management system. 

Dealing with the issuance of tax documents, fuel control, as well as issuing cargo manifests are only easy tasks when accompanied by an efficient transport system, or TMS logistics!          

This type of management software allows greater control of all the steps of a transport company’s routine in a fully integrated way. However, it is very important that to get really good results, you choose a company that provides these services with proven quality in the market.  

With that, we bring you a tip that can change the course of your transport company. That’s because, after accurate and thorough research, we are left with only one management software company that is efficient when it comes to the transport company. That company is Vilesoft.  

We will now discuss a little more about this franchise network that exists in Brazil and the world and how our research points to this single company currently for its efficient transport management.           

Before we expand on this discussion, it is worth noting that, when done well, when well done, these types of systems are developed in modules. In this way, the customer decides which modules to hire.  

For example, there is no reason for a small transport company, which is starting now, to hire all the logistics operators in the market. But it needs, like any other transport company, to issue mandatory documents. 

In this way, it can hire only the module referring to the issuance of tax documents, in the future, as its transport company gains space and increases its functionalities and missions, it adds other modules, one by one, such as, for example, driver control, freight control…

Thus, each customer only contracts the modules that relate to their current needs. At Vilesoft, you can hire modules in exactly this way. Saving time and money.

A profitable advantage

Try to imagine an employee for each sector developing different roles such as, for example, taking notes (in so many accumulated papers), a license plate that followed such a route with such a driver and stopped so many times for gas until reaching the destination.  

In addition, it is also interesting to emphasize here that the cost of transport management software varies a lot and is based on the current need of each company, in this case, each transport company.  

Remembering that, as mentioned, Vilesoft’s TMS system is developed in modules, making it easier in every way and, more than that, bringing benefits to the cost of operations.  

As the system is distributed in modules, each transport company will only hire what is convenient for its current situation. 

What we can say is that, whoever researches, works with Vilesoft, without a doubt! There is a huge variety of management software on the internet, many of which promise the impossible! 

If a company has only a few days of existence, such as, for example, a transport company that has just started in the transport business, there is no reason for an abusive contracting of many logistics resources for its fleet. After all, she’s just getting started!  

That’s why the importance of a TMS (transport company management software) having this division into pre-established modules.           

A TMS, transport management software, offers practicality, agility, safety, and precision in all day-to-day movements of a transport company.  

This is one of many signs that the time has come to replace all that paperwork with a safe place: a TMS system. In the fully integrated system, you combine security with data manipulation at any time!  

Vilesoft (a business management software company) allows you, on a single screen, to visualize all the legal requirements of your transport company. Not only the personnel department but financial and tax sectors.          

That is, if you need banking services from a transport company, you already know very well where to find them, don’t you? The answer is only one: Vilesoft!  

Only at Vilesoft can you generate tickets, take care of freight monitoring, fuel control, among countless other resources within a platform developed for the transport company that wants to grow with quality and commitment to its customers.          

In addition to all this, there is still a very important and crucial detail in this whole process: the cost of your transport company will be significantly reduced after hiring a good TMS (transport management software). The reason is clear, isn’t it?  

It’s not right for an employee for each sector to develop different roles such as, as the mentioned example, writing down (in all that paperwork) the license plate of the vehicle that followed this route with that driver and stopped so many times to refuel until reaching the destination.  

Think of the difficulty of daily monitoring of so many processes in the routine of your transport company! In addition, there is the payroll of drivers, as well as all other employees of the transport company, all this needs a transport system that is fast, efficient and practical!           

With this in mind, it is worth mentioning that one of the most important resources that managers and directors of a transport company can have is time. 

No more wasting time with papers! It’s time to invest in really practical software, designed with cutting-edge technology to serve your company! 

With that in mind, the reason for hiring a transport system company with TMS logistics is clear, isn’t it?         

Now that you understand what a TMS, Transport Management System is, and realize the real importance of this type of system in your transport company, no more wasting time searching the internet for companies that don’t listen to their customers.

Or, still, searching for companies that do not even care to separate their transport logistics system into modules, to help with the cost of a transport company. We return to our suggestion: look for Vilesoft right now!  

Above, a video has been separated so you can understand a little more about how Vilesoft can contribute to your transport management so that you have an efficient and practical logistics TMS.  

Watch the video and then request a demo. It’s free and without obligation. Stop spending so much time and money and papers and more resources so important in your day-to-day with routines that can easily run in the palm of your hands.  

With one click, you have access to all the information about your transport company. The time has come to leave the traditional and join the most respected transport companies in Brazil and the world!  

Performing and recording cost and revenue operations, transfers, appropriations, and obtaining a complete view of the organization’s operation in real-time are possible within a single, integrated system. 

That’s because, for more than 35 years, the modules of DON CORPORATE ERP, in an integrated, online, secure, redundancy-free, and error-free way, offer solutions in all areas for your company.   

VILESOFT’s integrated financial management solutions manage all Accounts Receivable and Account Payable financial information. With this, it generates results through online integration with a goods receipt, billing, and cash management.  

And the best, all this within a single system. This solution also integrates all cashier and bank information, including managing third-party receives. 

Request a demonstration right now from this team that specializes in TMS, which has a transport system with really practical and efficient management. 

Having exact control of the financial health of your business, employees, facilities, and all expenses that involve your activity is essential for the success of the company! 

And only Vilesoft can help you build a fast and economical management system. The video above briefly portrays some of what our team can offer to you. Watch right now and request a free demo!


This is a Vilesoft worldwide product. Please, before purchasing this product or service, verify that it applies and is authorized by the laws of your country, state, region, or county.


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