Today is a special day for us at Vilesoft
The United States Patent and Trademark Office has also granted us the registration of the Vilesoft trademark in the United States.
This allows us to start our expansion in all US territories safely and without surprises regarding the exclusive use of our VILESOFT brand.
Vilesoft has been operating in the US since 2020 and is headquartered in Florida, where its central office is. Through the franchise system that we know well since 2005, we are expanding, as we did in Brazil, to the entire US.
For us at Vilesoft, the US brand patent, this is very important. Because it allows us to expose and intensify our marketing and activities in the US, serving more customers and taking our solutions to thousands of companies in the US that need our software to efficiently manage their processes.
Praised be Our Lord Jesus Christ who watched over our paths here in the USA too.
God bless the America