ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning

In this short text, you will discover how technology can significantly contribute to the overall management of your transportation company. But first, let’s understand what the TMS concept is.
What is TMS?
You may have already read about the importance of efficient management software in a truck fleet. Or even that every fleet needs a really efficient and practical management system. That’s because dealing with the issuance of tax documents, fuel control, tire control, as well as the issuance of invoices are only easy activities when done in a really efficient transportation system (i.e., TMS logistics).
To make this concept clear, let’s start with a brief summary of what it means. This term (TMS), i.e., Transport Management System, refers to the practice of controlling fleet activities through technology.
Now that you understand the meaning of the term TMS, let’s learn a little more about how this seemingly simple acronym can help you so significantly with your truck fleet.
TMS is a software developed exclusively to increase quality and, combined with quality, increase productivity in the distribution process of the transport company.
This type of management software allows greater control of all stages of an operator’s routine in a fully integrated way.
However, it is very important that, in order to get really good results, you choose a company that provides these services with proven quality in the market. In this text, we bring you a tip that can change the course of your fleet.
That’s because, after careful research, we are left with only one management software company that is truly efficient when it comes to truck fleets.
That company is Vilesoft. Next, we will talk a little more about this franchise network that exists in Brazil and in the world and how our research points to this only company today for its efficient transport management.
It is important to remember that, when done well, in fact when done very well, this type of system is developed in modules.
A software in modules
As Vilesoft’s software is in modules, it is the customer who decides which modules to hire. For example, there is no reason for a small carrier, which is starting now, to hire all the logistics operators in the market.
However, this small entrepreneur needs, like any other company, the guarantee of the correct issuance of tax documents.
In this way, this entrepreneur will be able to hire only the module referring to the issuance of these simpler documents, and in the future, as his fleet gains space and increases its functionalities and missions, he adds other modules.
Thus, one by one, drivers, freight control, tire control, customer list… will be hired in new modules that meet your current needs.
With Vilesoft’s management software, you can hire modules in exactly this way. Gradually, your transport company will grow and the Vilesoft team will continue to pay attention to this growth, pointing out which new modules you should and/or need to acquire for the healthy and resilient growth of the transport company.
Also because it is very important to point out that when TMS management software is really efficient, as is Vilesoft’s transport management software, it also covers all other areas of your carrier.
That is, all commercial, operational, insurance, customer service, billing, financial and logistics sectors, etc. In addition to all this, when hired from a good management software company, such as Vilesoft, TMS integrates an ERP system.
What is ERP system?
For the reader who is having the first contact with us, ERP means Enterprise resource planning.
It is important to say that such technology has the role of helping the board and management of the company, in this case, the transport company, to improve all internal and external processes, integrating all the routines of all the different sectors of the company.
Sales, control of these sales (such as freight), finance, inventory, or even sectors responsible for human resources are included in this system.
Therefore, the obligation of tax documents, as well as all freight control, all obligations with cargo transport, fuel control, among others, will naturally occur within the same system that is offered by Vilesoft and will be available at all times for your company, 24 hours a day.
As you can see in this text and browsing our website, a good TMS system (TMS Logistics) seeks to manage the control of all the costs of all the routine operations of a carrier.
No more writing everything down on paper, accumulating piles and piles of easily disposable material. It is more than necessary for good management of a small, medium or large transport company to hire a good transport management system.
Why choose Vilesoft?
To answer this question, we need to return to the company mentioned above, because for such an efficient service there is only one solution called Vilesoft.
With a team ready to respond in quick time, only Vilesoft can truly support this mission of controlling your truck fleet.
The employees of this company have a single objective: to provide a unique and fully integrated solution capable of incorporating all sectors and processes of a transport company.
That’s why Vilesoft is recognized for its excellence in quality and customer service throughout Brazil and abroad, being the best franchise network in supporting franchisees.
And there’s more, Vilesoft is the best company in offering quality work for employees. For this company, this is not just any goal, but a work plan that is renewed daily by the entire team.
Also, this is the only company we currently find that offers transportation management software with true Christian values.
With a team selected by a Christian CEO, everyone in this company believes that Vilesoft was created by the mercy of Jesus Christ, belongs to Him, and exists only for His purposes. How to continue researching transport companies after reading all this, right?
There are few and rare Christian companies in Brazil and in the world, and Vilesoft is definitely one of them. For all this, Vilesoft provides material and human resources for management, always ready to serve and provide the necessary support to your fleet.
What are the benefits for my company?
The transport management software you need is at Vilesoft. Continuing with the real meaning of a TMS (Transport Management Software), it is worth remembering that it is an immediate solution for three specific types of truck fleets. Analyze and find out if your truck fleet falls into any of these three types that we have selected:
1) Transport companies that have their own logistics operators;
2) Transport companies that use transport only to support their business; and
3) Transport companies that use outsourced transport.
So did you find yourself in any of the three cases we selected? If so, it’s time to request a free, no-obligation demo.
To do this, just access the Vilesoft website and ask for a demo, or even talk to the attendant. The Vilesoft team is ready to show you the most diverse TMS logistics requests.
It is important to check as soon as possible to start right now with quality management for your transport company.
As mentioned, Vilesoft’s TMS system is developed in modules, making it easier in every way and, more than that, bringing benefits in the cost of all operations.
And as the system is distributed in modules, each operator will only hire what is convenient for its current situation. What we can say is that, whoever researches, chooses Vilesoft, and that’s a fact!
There is a huge variety of management software on the internet, many of which promise the impossible! Then we return to the values we have just mentioned in this text: Christian values!
Only a company with established values and principles can provide excellent and error-free support.
If a company has only a few days of existence, such as, for example, a carrier that has just started in the transport business, there is no reason for an abusive contract of many logistical resources for its fleet.
That’s because this company is just getting started! That’s why the importance of a TMS (operator management software) having this division into pre-established modules.
How important is a good choice of management software?
In short, the transport management software you need is at Vilesoft! That’s because, only here you will find practicality, agility, security, and precision for your transport company in all day-to-day movements.
Did you notice the word “security”? We went back to the beginning of our discussions when the subject was “saving paper”. Well, imagine all that paperwork on a desk, then inside one of the many near-rusty drawers in your office.
How many and how many hanging drawers of so much weight, with materials that are difficult to access, right? Did you see any resemblance to your current situation?
This is one of many indications that the time has come to replace all that paperwork with a safe place: a TMS system.
In this fully integrated system, you combine security with data manipulation at any time! Did you need the so-and-so driver registration form? This card is no longer in the many drawers almost hanging from so much weight, but in the TMS (Transport Management System).
Vilesoft (this business management software company) allows you, on a single screen, to visualize all the legal requirements of your transport company. Not just the personnel department (HR), but also the finance and tax sectors and all the rest.
In conclusion, did you need banking services for your transport company? I think at this point in the reading you already know very well where to find the answer, don’t you? The answer is only one: Vilesoft!
Only here at Vilesoft will you be able to generate tickets, take care of freight tracking, issue tax documents, mandatory loading documents, fuel control, tire control, among countless other resources within a platform developed for the transport company that wants to grow with quality and commitment to his customers.
In addition to all this, there is still a very important and crucial detail in this whole process: the cost of your carrier will reduce significantly after hiring Vilesoft’s TMS (Transport Management Software).
The reason is clear, isn’t it? Imagine an employee from each sector developing different activities such as, for example, writing down (in all that paperwork) the license plate of the truck that traveled that route with that driver and stopped so many times to refuel until reaching the destination. Think of the difficulty of daily monitoring of so many processes in your operator’s routine!
There is also the payroll of drivers, as well as all other employees of the transport company, there are legal tax documents, issuance of cargo documents, fuel control…
After all, it is important to emphasize that one of the most important resources that managers and directors of a transport company can have is time.
And wasting time locating papers in drawers is not (or at least shouldn’t) be part of the routine of a successful company. With that in mind, the reason for hiring a transport system with TMS logistics is obvious, right?
For all that, the transport management software you need is at Vilesoft! To help you even more, above you will find a video that has been separated so that you can understand a little more about how Vilesoft can contribute to your transport management, not only to issue legal documents but also for you to have a really efficient and practical TMS. Watch the video and request a demo. It’s free and without obligation.
Stop wasting so much time and money and papers and more resources so important on a daily basis with routines that can easily run in your hands.
With one click, you will have access to all the information of your transport company. The time has come to leave the traditional and join the most respected companies in Brazil and the world!
Request a demonstration right now from this team that specializes in logistics TMS, which has a transport system with really practical and efficient management.
Only Vilesoft will be able to help you build a fast and cost-effective management system. Schedule a free demo!